Friday, September 4, 2020

The History of Photography †Art History Research Paper (300 Level Course)

The History of Photography †Art History Research Paper (300 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers The History of Photography Art History Research Paper(300 Level Course) What is a representation? This is a troublesome inquiry to reply in photography. John Gere characterized a picture as â€Å"’an picture which the craftsman is locked in with the character of his sitter and is distracted with their portrayal as an individual’† (Campbell 1). The regular impression of a picture is the portrayal of the subject’s similarity, in any case, this announcement is thorough with misleading. In this article I will investigate the importance of the picture so as to comprehend what a representation is in photography. What establishes a representation? So as to comprehend the significance of a picture, we should characterize what makes a representation. The word reference characterizes the picture from a verifiable point of view: â€Å"por’trait, the resemblance of an individual painted or portrayed from life† (Highroads Dictionary 382). Likewise, I generally accepted a representation is an image of an individual. Basic as it might have all the earmarks of being, it isn't correct, it is unreasonably unpredictable. There might be an individual in the image yet it isn't really a representation of that individual. The representation isn't confined to facial highlights and could encapsulate the substance of a person through substantial motions. The picture may give off an impression of being a representation however does not have the quintessence of the person. A picture is an intentional endeavor to catch something of that person (Sliwinski). For whatever length of time that there is a pith the individual is transmitting from the photo, it might be alluded to as a picture. On the off chance that there is a nonappearance of portrayal from the individual, the picture of that individual doesn't exist. Regularly the face concurs with the representation in light of the fact that â€Å"the head, and particularly the face, are of vital significance in acknowledgment, and the eyes, nose and mouth are specific interest† (Campbell 10). The face is the thing that characterizes us from one another and permits us to effortlessly show appearance by externalizing the inward. A picture is a â€Å"mirror-picture †not as we see ourselves, yet as others see us† (Clarke 103). This is a troublesome idea to acknowledge in light of the fact that people need to be in charge by they way others see them. A representation, thusly, is a depiction o f our pith through our physical creatures. The point of a picture is to catch a genuine portrayal of an individual without individual impedance from the craftsman or the sitter. This is a hopeful objective. It is impossible that the sitter won't depict their own ideal view of himself for the camera nor is it likely that the craftsman won't unknowingly depict a picture of themselves unto the subject. Everybody has a picture of how they see themselves that negates how they are seen by the world. The camera clashes with this individual skirmish of uncovering. In Campbell’s article addressing what a representation is, she takes note of that an individual changes their highlights preceding survey their own appearance which means a helpless sign of their appearance. She proceeds with this similarity to â€Å"someone confronting a camera will typically accept a fake articulation, a ‘camera face’, and the level of accomplishment with which he does so will decide if he might be called photogenic† (8). We hav e all experienced the ‘photogenic’ term and the meanings that are joined to this free meaning of the capacity to trick the camera. It is possible that you are photogenic or you begrudge the individuals who are photogenic. Individuals frequently represent the camera in remarks, for example, ‘the camera doesn’t like me’ or ‘the camera lies’ on the off chance that they dread that the camera won't fulfill how they need to see themselves. In doing this, they are showing their own dissatisfaction for not having the option to trick the camera into giving them how they need to look and not as they look. Photogenic individuals are too being tricked on the grounds that it isn't really how they are seen by others. In review their delightful depiction of themselves, they are urged to accept that is the manner by which they are at each second. The camera lies in fact. It is hard to state one has caught the genuine similarity of somebody once they have snapped their picture. A representation is the physical appearance of vanity. Individuals need to be seen at their absolute best regardless of whether it goes past who they really are. On the off chance that it isn't in their physical appearance, it is in their assets, in their occupation, in their economic wellbeing, or in their riches. This was clear in likenesses of the past. Just those of extraordinary riches, status, or close relationship to the craftsman had their picture painted. Their concept of themselves devoured the artistic creation and misshaped the resemblance of the person. Individuals were painted to show force, excellence, and status. Any perspective they loathed of themselves, or they wanted for themselves, were modified for their fulfillment regularly to where they were unrecognizable. Graham Clarke composed: â€Å"’at for all intents and purposes each level, and inside each setting the picture photo is laden with ambiguity’† (Clarke 101). The honesty of photography is additionally tested in likeness where even the subject is tricky to reality. We present at whatever point the camera seems expecting to be something we are not (Sliwinski). The craving to control how one is seen is consistently a piece of human instinct. We need to be seen at our best consistently, so we disguise our imperfections and shroud our shortcomings. We, as people, would prefer not to be seen as anything short of we consider ourselves. It is in human instinct to be touchy to the decisions of others and vanity permits us to monitor ourselves against criticize from ourselves. In addition to the fact that we are aware of what we look like truly, we are aware of how we are spoken to: â€Å"just as sitters might be glorified to make them look more lovely than they truly are, so they might be dishonestly described as progressively effective, separating, courageous, clever or idealistic than they may in reality be† Everybody needs to be seen by others as the ideological picture they have of themselves. It is this longing makes us sit tall before the camera, pull back our shoulders, suck in our stomachs, open our eyes more extensive, or endless different methods to wilfully control the result of the camera’s eye. We are altogether liable of attempting to trick the camera from catching us as we seem to be, regardless of whether it would fix our hair or pulling at our garments to get that ideal picture. We are vain animals who are completely mindful of the camera. Advanced photography is an improvement to the representation. Individuals are presently ready to control how they are seen and recollected by others. They can erase and adjust their pictures until they have gathered the ideal portrayal of how they need to see themselves. As such, advanced photography is a device for vanity discretely masked as an instrument for photography accessible for everybody. I also am liable of erasing the â€Å"bad† pictures of myself that didn't meet the desires I have for seeing myself. Computerized photography has made it conceivable to take out or correct photos to evade flawlessness. It represents a more serious danger of similarity contortion later on in light of the fact that the ideal inscriptions of oneself has experienced a screening procedure and doesn't look like the genuine resemblance of oneself. The manner in which we will be recalled isn't the means by which we were nevertheless how we needed to be recollected, a bogus resemblance of ourselves. Photos of individuals introduced by the media are not pictures. They may satisfy the necessities of a representation yet the embodiment of the individual is missing. In design photography, the individual self is unfilled on the grounds that the open desires for how this individual is wanted to look abrogates and annihilates the pith of the subject. Big name pictures are a posterity of design photography: the representation turns out to be the way we need to see this individual from a glorified point of view, not how they are seen. Campbell underscores that â€Å"images of wonderful individuals constantly present issues of classification† (Campbell 2). The explanation behind this is the excellence of the individual is admired to the point of oddity and â€Å"these can get hard to recognize from genuine portraits† (Campbell 2). The issues that emerge from this are individuals gotten effortlessly tricked with regards to what excellence is and attempt to adjust themselves i nto that delineation of magnificence. This causes them be honest of their appearance consistently and loots their quintessence from being engraved into their own representations. They are both beguiling themselves from their actual resemblance and misleading others into accepting that it is their own similarity. In pictures â€Å"it is hard to know precisely what one resembles or to pass judgment on a similarity of oneself† (Campbell 8) in light of the fact that there is a bogus introduction of oneself. There is an abnormal connection between the watcher and the subject in the photo when taking a gander at representations without a feeling of the inside. There is an undetectable obstruction built up when the subject knows about the camera and misshapes their physical appearance to look like the resemblance of themselves in their brain, not the similarity they really are. One would â€Å"need to test the pictures for any trace of an interior, and private self† (Clarke 114). On the off chance that the watcher needs to chase for the feeling of self from the individual, the craftsman has not carried out their responsibility. It is the activity of the picture taker to catch a bit of the individual that characterizes a piece of their actual self. Inge Morath underlines the motivation behind a photographic representation and the job of the picture taker: a decent picture â€Å"catches a snapshot of tranquility inside the every day streams of things, whenever within an individual gets an opportunity to come through† (Clarke 101). It is one of th

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Revenge - John Milton, Paradise Lost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Vengeance - John Milton, Paradise Lost - Essay Example The last not, at this point can celebrate in rendering retribution. In any case, for what reason do individuals despite everything look for vengeance? Why is vengeance after related with blame and neglects to bring joy the justice fighter seeks after? The appropriate response lies in the fields of brain science and history. Retribution has been a subject of numerous scholarly discussions and has become the principle component in writing and the universe of the Arts. In famous psyche it is related with a ‘sweet’ dish, that is ‘better served cold’, however in some time it demonstrates less fulfilling and innocuous than in the beginning. Vengeance is accepted to have showed up as the result of the arguments about the material articles and domain. Later the extent of offense that lead to vindicate moved to the domain of social mortification and respect (Science 25). Be that as it may, regardless of what the causes the vengeance are, the primary issues concern th e disambiguation among retribution and equity, just as the manners in which vengeance shows itself. Verifiably, vengeance was one of the methods for social association. Looking for vengeance was attractive and recommended. For instance in the Bible, in Exodus 21:23 we can discover hints of ‘eye for eye’ approach. Clinicians and antiquarians concur that retribution the type of maintaining control inside social orders where law framework was frail (Bibb 13). Vengeance bears various social ramifications as ways to deal with it change from century to century, and from nation to nation. For instance, in Ancient Greece retribution That implies that verifiably vengeance rises to equity, though in current world the job of equity is bolstered by the arrangement of laws, making vengeance not, at this point as adequate as in the old occasions (Science 34). Mentalities to vindicate shift across societies. For instance, in Ancient Greece retribution was viewed as likeness discipline . The reason for vengeance in this methodology lay in keeping guilty party and society from rehashing the offense, desrtuction of the wrongdoer was not the primary objective of the demonstration of retribution. The demonstration of vengeance unfurled along three principle viewpoints: a) the craving to cause guilty party torment; b) the need to make him know the individual who caused the agony; c) the significance of illuminating the wrongdoer about the explanations behind torment , for example telling him that he welcomed it on himself by abusing somebody. In this view slaughtering an individual or destroying notoriety was the demonstration of contempt, not retribution. Consequently, in Greek culture vengeance isn't really a demonstration of viciousness, it fills in as a type of discipline as its reasons and causes are obvious to the person in question. In western culture vengeance is frequently observed as silly, as something incorrectly as it comes from disdain and not from moral commitment. Simultaneously in conventional respect societies vengeance is satisfactory and bears no negative ramifications. In English social culture retribution was the demonstration of reestablishing one’s societal position and respect. In Africa and Asia the idea of vengeance is colosly interwoven with the religion of progenitors. The way of life oppose retribution and viciousness while the idea of genealogical rage realizes a situation (Bibb 45). The causes that make individuals look for vengeance additionally bear various social ramifications. Discoveries demonstrate that in singular societies infringement of rights and mischief to the economic wellbeing or authority are probably going to cause frevenge. In aggregate culture infringement of the feeling of obligation or the set up rule may make an individual look for retribution. Also, in aggregate societies wrong done to one individual from the social gathering is viewed as close to home offense by other

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Television Uses and Abuses Essays

TV Uses and Abuses Essays TV Uses and Abuses Essay TV Uses and Abuses Essay TV Uses And Abuses Television is the most amazing , valuable and incredible creation of twentieth century. It was developed by John Logie Baird in 1928. Roughly 80-90% of the territories of the world have T. V inclusion. T. V leaves better and everlasting impact on the watchers. It is a decent wellspring of diversion. .We can think about the happenings of the world through T. V broadcast. In addition, it is superior to radio and papers. We can tune in ,watch just as read news on T. V though radio and papers dont give us such offices. Different live projects are appeared on T. V like cricket , football , hockey matches and so on. It additionally shows every strict capacity/celebrations and ordinary preachings of holy people and strict masters. Numerous channels are there on T. V which adds as far as anyone is concerned like business, the travel industry , disclosure channels and so forth. Chronicled motion pictures are useful for everybody to think about the history. Extraordinary compared to other utilization of Television is that there are open instructive stations which help understudies to learn and procure while sitting at there homes. If there should be an occurrence of crisis/desperation, one can caution/caution the residents through T. V. Yoga programs appeared on T. V have helped a huge number of individuals. Live tasks are appeared on T. V like when Hotel Taj (Mumbai) was assaulted by Pakistani psychological militants or when Laden was slaughtered by American Navy. These all greatly affected individuals. Surveying during races or tallying of votes or political race results are indicated live on T. V. T. V has numerous impediments too. Profane and fierce projects or style shows or western motion pictures appeared on T. V are bad for kids. They become savage by viewing these motion pictures. They watch these films till late night. Kids perform stunts done by experts and some of them have lost their lives additionally because of this. They need items appeared in T. V whether they are fortunate or unfortunate for them. Youngsters become habitually lazy people since they don't play open air games and eat persistently while watching T. V and it influence their eyes and studies . T. V engenders violence,indiscipline and there is antagonistic effect of western projects. A ton of time and vitality gets squandered, watching T. V. It has some enormous impediments additionally like 26/11 assault was demonstrated live overall which helped the Pakistani fear based oppressors to help their accomplices who were in Mumbai . The fear mongers in Mumbai (Hotel Taj) knew everything what was going on outside. Still,in my perspectives favorable circumstances of T. V are more than its impediments. The main need is to have restraint. Guardians shouldnt permit their kids to sit before T. V for quite a while and watch western movies,as these have adulterating impact on youth . Awful advertisements or serials ought to be confined. Because of T. V social associations between individuals have likewise decreased. TV ought to be a Servant and not a Master. However,T. V is a helpful creation however its review should be for conceivable least term and watchers ought to be finicky/particular in observing just valuable projects.

Software Quality Assesment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Programming Quality Assesment - Coursework Example This guarantees there is anticipation of any unanticipated imperfections. When begun from the earliest starting point of the item make, the included gatherings can talk with one another and comprehend the imperfections that emerge as they progress to a few phases of creation. Quality is a troublesome and far reaching thought that consistently is controlled by a few components. This could either be from the supernatural perspective that sees quality as a thought that is conspicuous however difficult to depict. From users’ perspective quality is the capacity of an item to achieve its purpose behind being made. Makers consider quality to be adhering to set down item capabilities. the items perspective that sees quality as been very much the same to with distinct highlights of a product lastly the worth based perspective that sees quality comparable to how much the last client is willing and ready to pay in order to secure it. There are a few different ways that the nature of programming is guaranteed during assembling process (Tian 2005). These are: Programming Testing Programming testing is a methodical procedure principally committed to the recognition programming surrenders. The item being produced is put to test under conditions that can be controlled. This could be in exceptional control rooms inside the organization premise extraordinarily intended for this kind of work. The primary explanation the producers guarantee that such a situation ought to be in a situation to be controlled is on the grounds that the makers mean to make a few situations whereby things turn out badly when they shouldn't and afterward they discover approaches to manage the issue. Programming Verification and Validation The check procedure is embraced with the goal that the item is freed from unanticipated glitches directly before the testing procedure starts. Confirmation is comprised of assessments, gatherings, evaluating plans, arrangements, check ups, particulars among different subtleties. Then again, approval comes following approval and is the clear examination o f the item to set up its weaknesses that may emerge because of breakdowns. Experiment An experiment is a report that plots the commitments, activities or occasions and the likely responses of programming. This helps the makers/developers to see if all parts of the items are in the normal working status. This archive contains s points of interest, for example, the experiment identifier, name, reason, test conditions, system just as the normal results. Great Design A decent structure is accomplished when the general make up of the item is reasonable, easily customizable and simple to save. The ideal plan of an item consistently depends on the last clients prerequisites. There are those items implied for business use along these lines this are made more confused and exceptionally productive than those implied for private/home use. Programming Inspection This is a procedure intended to reveal blemishes and issues particularly in records specifying determinations, coding, and experiments among different issues (Rombach 1993). Understand that this procedure just identifies a hitch and advises the producers anyway it's anything but a procedure for amendment of such an issue. More often than not in programming quality checking techniques, it is practical. It is available to numerous spectators yet just a solitary peruser, mediator and a solitary individual for taking notes is required. Walkthrough This is an unconstrained and in private gathering that is intended for breaking down the item. This is constantly gone to by the administration of the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Comedy and Plautus Essay Example

Satire and Plautus Paper Aulularia is a comedic play composed by Titus Maccius Plautus during when Athens was one of, if not the most impressive city-states in the entirety of Europe. For this incredible society, antiquarians utilize artistic attempts to inquire about and comprehend what the period resembled. Aulularia is extraordinary play that can assist students of history with researching how slaves were, through Plautus’ humor you can get how marriage and professional creation is done and seen in Ancient Athens. Titus Maccius Plautus, conceived at some point around 254 B. C. E. , (kicked the bucket in 185 B. C. E. in the town of Umbria was not constantly known as the acclaimed comedic play-essayist, however rather as the meandering mill operator. Nonetheless, in his initial age he is thought to have fled his old neighborhood and made it as a craftsman/repairman on the Roman stages (Plautus, Titus M, Aulularia). Plautus was in the incomparable Roman armed force; there he was presented to the Greek New Comedy and the plays of Menander (Plautus, Wikipedia). It wasn’t until around the age of 45 where he started composing plays while working his hand-plant, granulating corn for the family units (Plautus, Wikipedia). Plautus’ work was essentially Latin adjustments of this kind of parody. The individuals of Rome discovered regular day to day existence engaging (Titus Maccius Plautus, Theater Database). While composing these plays he needed to remember that the majority of the crowd was very un-taught. In any case, one thing that all Romans shared practically speaking was home and family life. Jokes were made about family life and generalized characters. While governmental issues didn’t make there path into these plays, the divine beings did. It was to some degree questionable in the manner his characters depicted the divine beings. Characters in stories can quite often be contrasted with a divine being, which left him blamed for showing the open lack of interest and joke towards the divine beings. It was fascinating how high society residents put down the divine beings and fighters scorned them. At the same time pimps, prostitutes, and parasites adulated the divine beings. Plays were never the main amusement happening at a given time, which constrained Plautus to go after people’s consideration against chariot races, horse races, and fights (Plautus, Wikipedia). He would go to incredible measures to engage his crowds and request their consideration. We will compose a custom article test on Comedy and Plautus explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Comedy and Plautus explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Comedy and Plautus explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer New Greek Comedy had a lot of slaves in their works ordinarily being very cunning while at the same time playing the rival. Be that as it may, Plautus utilized the slaves in his work somewhat better in which they had a lot bigger and dynamic jobs. Slaves were moved a lot further into the front of the activity as a principle character. This was Plautus’ best strategy in making humor since individuals thought that it was amusing that slaves deceived their lords or contrasted themselves with divine beings. The reversal of jobs by an insidious and clever slave was amusing and it wasn’t hard to make a plot from that point (Plautus, Titus Maccius, Theater Database). Aulularia is a comedic play that happens in present Athens (corresponding to Plautus. ) Euclio (fundamental character) is a poor, more seasoned man of his word that lives in Athens. Euclio’s Household God favored him by causing Euclio to find the fortune in his home. Be that as it may, soon you understand this is not really a gift since he fixates on it, keeping it protected and basically segregates himself from the remainder of the network (Konstan). Megadorus a rich, more seasoned man of his word concludes that he might want to wed Phaedria, Euclio’s little girl. From the start Euclio is incredulous of Megadorus on the grounds that there is no explanation a more established rich man of Athens such as himself, would need to wed a poor keeps an eye on girl. The suspicious Euclio emphatically accepts that Megadorus is aware of his gold. In a manner he disregards this when Megadorus lets him know there is no requirement for an endowment to oblige the wedding that would happen that equivalent day. Energized by this Euclio acknowledges the offer yet no longer trusts that his home will be ok for his gold. He moves the gold to the sanctuary of Fides. Strobilus (Lyconides’ slave) catches Euclio talking and starts searching for the gold. When Euclio returns he beats the slave and undermines him. Euclio has no trust in Fides and chooses to move it totally out of the city to a forest of Silvanus. Strobilus is at the same time far out yet watches out for Euclio and when all was good and well he proceeded to take the gold. Euclio returns and nothing is there and is completely squashed. Soon after this Lyconides approaches him and advises him that the commitment of Megadorus and Phaedria. From here Lyconides clarifies that he has wronged his little girl at Ceres’ celebration and asks her submit marriage. Lyconides then runs over Strobilus who comes out and tells his lord that he has discovered gold. The remainder of the content has been lost however it is said that Lyconides restores the taken gold to Euclio, who at that point gives Lyconides authorization to wed his girl. As a wedding present Euclio gives the gold to Phaedria and Lyconides (Plautus). The sole motivation behind why Plautus made this play was for amusement and he bombed in his organizations. He turned into a play author at 45 and carried another flood of amusement to Rome. â€Å"At all costs, he kept the pot of activity heating up, the flood of muffles and plays on words and modest droll streaming. Anything to make the crowd giggle and shield them from looking in on the bout next-door† (Titus Maccius Plautus, Imagi-country. com). In Aulularia you can see that he doesn’t especially appreciate the high society. Megadorus is an a lot more established man yet needs to ask Euclio’s youthful girl Phaedria’s submit marriage. This is out of desire with no respect to the social clash. Megadorus appears to be so frantic for the youthful â€Å"flesh† that he is breaking the old convention of a share. Likewise in Aulularia, he displays captives to be a lot more astute than any Roman man in this play. Euclio is the poor casualty who just needs his gold to be sheltered however can't locate an appropriate concealing spot without having a quiet psyche. Regardless of the watchers discovering this extremely diverting, this has something to do with the way that Plautus was not constantly rich and it required some investment before he was living serenely (Plautus). Aulularia says an extraordinary arrangement regarding the timespan in Athens. Euclio was a metic in Athens, he a has lasting residency in the States however isn't viewed as a resident (Kempf). Euclio was poor and truly had nothing of significant worth aside from his gold. He carried on a very un-simple lifestyle since he was neurotic that his gold would be taken from him. He lived in consistent battle and extraordinary neediness. Pythodicus says from the play, â€Å"Why, I disclose to you he starts wailing to paradise and earth to observe that hes bankrupt, gone to everlasting crush, the second a puff of smoke from his down and out fire figures out how to escape his home. Why, when he hits the hay he strings a sack over his jaws. † Pythodicus is being somewhat sensational, yet in any case, Euclio needs to simply trust that he lives to see one more day since it is a steady battle to put food on the table. Aulularia was a bit of writing that can truly say something regarding subjugation during these occasions. Athenians felt that they were better than slaves in each part of life, yet it demonstrated that they could be mischievous and clever. Each slave highlighted in this play (Staphyla, Pythoidcus, Strobilus) appears to have nearly an average measure of knowledge. Euclio’s old slave Staphyla, reacted to him when advised to watch the house by saying, â€Å"You aren’t apprehensive anybody will leave with the house right? I promise we’ve got nothing else there for the criminals to takeâ€a loaded with void all things considered, and spider webs. This was exceptionally astounding originating from somebody who was compromised only minutes prior (Plautus). Megadorus slave Pythodicus. As noted before he is clarifying how poor Euclio is and kids about it with the cooks for the wedding. He is additionally the individual who is neglecting the cooks and ensuring everythin g goes as arranged. This could employment must be given to somebody trusted and capable enough to complete the main job (Plautus). Strobilus outmaneuvers Euclio and realizes that he has a pot of gold that he is covering up. At the point when he sees Euclio leaves the sanctuary of Fides he sees him leave the city dividers and climbs a tree well far out. He holds up until after Euclio has left and uncovers the pot of gold for himself. Strobilus even relinquishes his post for his lord Lyconides to get this gold with the high any desires for purchasing his opportunity (Plautus). The manner in which marriage is done in Athens during this time was vastly different than the way that Megadorus goes about it. The Athenian marriage was an understanding between the bride’s father and the husband to be and in some cases the father’s sibling (Kempf). This was the situation in Aulularia. Anyway the lady of the hour should surrender every last bit of her toys, and her hair is to be trimmed. On the night prior to the wedding the lady and lucky man clean up and sang songs to Hymen. The dad was to make penances to Hera, Zeus, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Peitho (The Women of Athens). None of these ceremonies were even referenced in the play by Plautus. In the play the marriage was occurring inside just a couple of long periods of understanding among Euclio and Megadorus. This piece of the play was not a decent method to consider the manner in which marriage was taken care of in Athens during this timeframe. Anyway the closure (or what survives from the consummation) gives a greatly improved thought of how the procedure is finished. Lyconides another poor man, inquires as to whether he can wed his little girl. It was a lot of m

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Changing Concentrations You dont have to stick with the concentration you picked when you first applied. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Changing Concentrations You dont have to stick with the concentration you picked when you first applied. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog At SIPA, every MIA and MPA student pursues a concentration and specialization. These are similar to an undergraduate major and minor, respectively.  I applied to SIPA expecting to concentrate in International Security Policy (ISP); however I changed my mind during orientation after attending an information session and signed up for the Economic and Political Development concentration (EPD). I made the initial switch from ISP to EPD largely based on where I thought I wanted to be after graduation. I spent four years in Washington D.C. prior to SIPA and felt that EPD would offer more opportunities to live and work in other cities. While it was true that many ISP students ended up in D.C. after school, ISP was a much better fit with my personal interests and professional ambitions. I changed back to ISP after one semester. The administrative process of changing from one concentration (or specialization) is easy. It simply requires the student to submit the necessary form to the Office of Student Affairs. The bigger concern when changing concentrations is timing. There are three levels of graduation requirements at SIPA: your degree (MIA/MPA), your concentration, and your specialization. The longer you take to settle on a concentration, the less time you have to complete the requirements. I focused my first semester on my degree and specialization requirements rather than concentration requirements so I did not lose any classes; however, this becomes harder to avoid if you wait more than one semester to make the change. This is particularly true for the International Finance and Economic Policy concentration and the Advanced Policy and Economic Analysis specialization. There will be an information session for all of the concentrations and specializations during orientation. If you continue to have questions after these sessions about which concentration to pursue, reach out to a professor or second-year student. And remember, you will not be locked into your initial decision. Note from Admissions:  Information sessions for concentrations and specializations will also be available during Admitted Students Day 2018. Admitted students can register for ASD 2018 in the Welcome Portal.

Monday, June 22, 2020

5 Nutty Careers for Writers Showing up Their Skills at College

5 Nutty Careers for Writers Showing up Their Skills at College Writing skills are very important in many different careers. People who are good at it are more likely to find a high-paying job. From resumes to cover letters to interview thank-you notes, good writing impresses potential employers; once you’ve landed a job, it’s even more important when you’re writing memos and emails, preparing reports, writing copy for a website or blog, and so on. If you’ve got major writing skills, here are some of the best careers for writers you should consider taking up after college. 1. Executive Assistant Do you like creating high-quality products that make someone else look really, really good? Consider becoming an executive assistant, where you will work with the big bosses. Whether it’s constructing a brief, writing an end-of-year report, or composing a thank-you note to an important business associate, your superb writing skills will make the entire company shine. 2. Media Relations Specialist When a company needs to communicate with the press, they employ a media relations specialist to write press releases, create press packets, and otherwise work with journalists to create positive news about their organization. This work is especially important when the company hits a rough patch and needs to smooth things over. Someone who can communicate the value of a brand as well as maintain the loyalty of its customers needs superb writing skills, and you might just be the right person for this particular position. 3. Video Game Copywriter If you think that video games are just for nerds, think again. The video game industry is constantly growing, and as virtual reality (VR) becomes more popular, the need for video game copywriters grows as well. Your job will be to design the narratives that make the game so realistic and engaging, so a natural, conversational style and knowledge about your customer vernacular is really important. 4. Legacy Writer Are you fascinated by the past? Do you love learning about history? Are you great at working with people, especially older ones? You might enjoy being a legacy writer. Legacy writers, also known as personal historians. They write down all of the important events of their and their family members’ lives. They need excellent soft skills and the ability to listen and stay well-organized. If history is really your thing, then legacy writing could be a meaningful and lucrative career path for you. 5. Content Writer Content writers need to be able to write to their audience. That means adopting an appropriate style and choosing topics of interest for their particular demographic. Since content writers frequently make a living by working for a number of different clients, blogs, or websites, they need to be able to quickly adapt to whatever style is needed. They also need to be able to generate truly original content. The final skill needed for content writing is a familiarity with SEO, or search engine optimization; this means that certain keywords need to be included in posts in order to get the most traffic to the site. While there is definitely a learning curve, it is a solid career choice for professional paper writers that is not going away anytime soon. Still think that your writing skills are just good for your student papers? Come on! You even do not know what kind of treasure you have. Start thinking about your future career, as you have such a great variety of positions to choose among.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Construction Management and Health Safety Free Essay Example, 1000 words

The terrain and slopping of the area will also determine the construction expenses. A sloppy or highly mountainous area will require a deeper tunnel which will be expensive to construct, unlike a gentle sloppy area where the tunnel will be easy to construct, ad will be less costly. The construction materials will also determine the construction cost. Locally available materials will be cheap. However, other materials may require importation or may be generally expensive. The mode of construction of the tunnel will also determine its expenses. Shallow tunnels are easy and to construct, unlike deep underground tunnels which will require stronger materials and highly skilled personnel. The nature of the area under construction will also determine the machinery to be used. Rocky areas will require strong machinery which will add to the construction cost. Constructions of tunnels under deep waters will also be costly (Hemphill, 2013). The size of the tunnel is another aspect that will de termine its procurement. Large tunnels which are wide and extents along large areas will add on the materials to be used, making this expensive and more costly. We will write a custom essay sample on Construction Management and Health & Safety or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Short and narrow tunnels are easy and cheap to construct. The technology used in the construction work will be another determinate factor. The contract price of the construction project is determined uponthe evaluation of the nature of the tunnel, required materials of construction and the labour to be employed. The price should cater for the machineries to be used, whether for purchase or hire. Long term construction will require purchase of machinery, while a short term contract may involve hire of the machines. The pricing of the equipment and construction materials should be based on the current market price, and should cater of unforeseen contingencies such as breakdown, failure or cases of theft (European agency for safety and health at work, 2004). Upon the establishment of the construction cost, the monitoring of the cost is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor is solely responsible of assessing the amount of money allocated for the project, its flow infrom the funding department and the flow out, I terms of purchase of materials and settling t of the labour expenses. This is detailed showing ex penditure for each individual item over the period of the project. The monitoring of cash flow and project cost can be doe through the use of the cash flow charts. The cashflow charts enables the project manager to foresee and prevent any case of liquidity problem.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Informative Essay About Neil Postmans Amusing Ourselves...

Neil postman was a jack of all trades, he was an American Author, an educator at New York University, media theorist, and cultural critic. (PressThink 1) In 1985 Neil Postman published a book called Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourage in the Age of show Business. The book provides a look at what happens when politics, journalism, education and even religion become subject to the demands of entertainment. In his book Amusing Ourselves to Death Postman says that the content of a culture is contained in its communication, and that the content of communication is affected by the medium of communication. In other words, Postman is saying that a culture is defined by its connection of people, and the connection of people is afflicted by technology. Sherry Turkle is another author that has written a book called Alone Together published in January 2011. Sherry Turkle is an award winning professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she focuses her research on human technology interaction. Alone Together is the results of Turkle’s nearly fifteen year exploration of our lives with technology, she describes new unsettling relationships between friends, family, parents and children, and new instabilities in how we understand privacy and community. There is a third author named Julia Angwin that has developed a book that connects with Postman’s argument. Julia Angwin is an award winning investigative journalist at a news organization called ProPublica. (About)

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Application Of A Computer Programmer - 907 Words

Introduction of the role: Typically, Fujitsu seeking programmers received a bachelor s degree in computer science, and learning to write computer code and debug programs. Some people also need the relevant industry, it plans to enter the courses - finance and healthcare. Other students may get a liberal arts degree, majoring in business administration and perhaps computer science specialization. Job description: Computer programmer, any computer language of a typical day s work may involve the need to prepare their work. For example a java program it needs coding and debugging a computer programmer know the coding for given program when the programmer also known as a patch, and find this problem solve the errors. Software developer’s programmers often work side by side, the language of computer programmers and software systems will be able to understand the translation. More and more programmers in dealing with mobile applications and other Internet-based software applications duties. Ethical and Unethical behavior: Connection between programmer and client and system: Some strict regulations for the establishment and maintenance of Morel rules and regulations collaborative efforts, often a lot, and people. Critics noted that â€Å"the case of an attack, a computer determines the quality of moral or ethical . Undoubtedly, the State must exist in order to prevent negative consequences and technical systems, but no one in this particular area is able to draw the lineShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Computer Software Engineering827 Words   |  4 Pagesyear 2008 there were 426,000 computer programmers employed. Computer programmers write the program the computer uses to function. The computer programmer follows the specifications given to them by the computer software engineer. Specialized knowledge and experience with a language or operating system could lead to a computer programmer becoming a computer software engineer. Programming skills and programming experience is highly valued in this field. Computer programmers must constantly upda te theirRead MoreThe Life and Work of a Computer Programmer Essay1263 Words   |  6 PagesThe purpose of a computer programmer is to design and develop applications to perform the needs of a consumer. This occupation is essential to modern day life due to all of the computers that are in use today. Computer programming is a fulfilling career goal because of the ability to be on the cutting edge of technology, design software for computers, and have a wide range of benefits. Computer programming consists of many duties. Duties of a computer programmer include but are not limited to:Read MoreDecision Of Wanting Computer Programming As A Job1482 Words   |  6 Pagesfor more people to build, write programs, higher quality, and repair computers; therefore, numerous growth of technology and high demand of programmers. 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It has been replaced by the C/C++ programming language, but up until the 80’s all business software was written using COBOL. This includes but not exclusively accounting, payroll, and large bank applications. COBOL is still used today due to the high cost in upgrading software, and recent studies show that as many as twelve million COBOL applications are still used today. Also, a good majority of these are proprietaryRead MoreA Comparison Between Computer Programming And Java1327 Words   |  6 Pages A Comparison Between Computer Programming: Java and C++ in games industry 1.Introduction I chose this topic because these languages are a relationship between programmers and computer without those languages can t use the computer. Moreover, considered one of the models that I will study in September at Swansea University. This is why I find this topic so interesting as it given a lot of detailed information about two programming c++ and java in usesRead MoreWriting Notes And Playing Video Games Essay784 Words   |  4 Pageshard day at the office and you boot up your computer, but today you say to yourself, I m tired of writing notes playing video games, I want to create something! Your girlfriend or your wife walk by you as you stare at the wall and she says, what are you dreaming about? Then you tell her that you really wanted to be a computer programmer instead of a shoe salesman. Then she says to you, you should have gone to college a few years to learn a computer language! But your 50 years old now and youRead MoreThe Link Between Production And Implem entation1684 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is the link between production and implementation? I feel it can be described as a Development Environment. Can Development Environments manage various computer languages, in order to teach the fundamentals of programming? IDEs or Integrated Development Environments are applications that can help assist developers(programmers) with developing software. The first developmental environments were command based, and didn’t look like the menu driven, graphical interfaces of today. In the programmingRead MoreComputer Programs And Software Applications1098 Words   |  5 Pages1) Programmer 2) A programmer’s job is mostly project based. They create applications, using their knowledge of code, and remove all the bugs before setting it forward to the company. A programmer works closely with analysts and management to understand about a problem in the code, and create/edit the expected outcome towards a company. Some duties include: Correcting errors by making appropriate changes and then rechecking the program to ensure that the desired results are produced. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1457 Words

The play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, presents many societal issues, such as the influence of superstition and the supernatural, as well as the continuous desire of the human race for progress and ambitious fulfilment. What a person chooses to do in order to fulfil those desires depends on the individuals themselves, and in the case of Macbeth, he turns to murder in order to advance his social and political standing. The audience’s perception of Macbeth changes throughout the play, beginning with feelings of admiration and approval of his deeds and character, and ending, with the play and as well as his life, as feelings of contempt and disgust at his treachery. This is achieved mainly through the progression of Macbeth’s character development, as well as through the dialogue of himself and other characters. The characterisation of Macbeth in the beginning of the play constructs him as as a meritorious and noble person, who returns from war as a hero, and has the title of Thane of Cawdor bestowed upon him. These traits are established as part of Macbeth’s character before his first appearance, positioning the audience to view him in a positive light, as the protagonist of the play. He is described by King Duncan as his â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman! (1:2:26)†. Macbeth is commended by many others, for he is â€Å"brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name— (1:2:18)†. The build up of praise for Macbeth serves to provide a shock factor for the audience, leaving themShow MoreRelatedMacbeth by William Shakespeare770 Words   |  3 PagesThe play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to be written between 1603 and 1607 and set in eleventh century Scotland. It is also believed to be first performed in 1606. It is considered to be one of the darkest and most powerful tragedies. Macbeth, set in Scotland, dramatizes the psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen to fulfill the ambition of power. The Tragedy of Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy and tells the story of Macbeth, a ScottishRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1425 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth Just Can’t Wait To Be King Everyone has a quality that they do not like about themselves. Some people struggle to be social, others may be too controlling of people. The list goes on and on, but the point is that everybody has a particular quality that they must learn to control or else that particular quality can get out of hand. Of course, one could write a list of characters that have major flaws. There is no better example than William Shakespeare’s character, Macbeth, in The TragedyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1409 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.† On October 17th, I had the pleasure of going to see Macbeth performed at the Shakespeare Tavern. Along with its reputation for being â€Å"cursed,† Macbeth is also known as one of the crown jewels of William Shakespeare’s repertoire. In my opinion, the central concept of this particular retelling of the play was the murkiness of character. Throughout the pla y, the many characters go through fierce temptation and strife, and noneRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1203 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth is a play based on King James I, it was written by William Shakespeare, however this play isn’t a king and queen fairy tale, but it’s a play about greed and guilt, chaos and murder and three evil witches who use prophecies to influence Macbeth to do bad things, using flattery would instigate his inner ambition to become king, which in the end doesn’t lead to a very happy ending. Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, was written in the early Jacobean period. During those times, women had no power, theyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1243 Words   |  5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Macbeth†, the author portrays the main character Macbeth as a very tortured and flawed individual whose actions only serve to further unravel him. He is conflicted and power hungry, which drives him to perform evil murders and become a ruthless person. Macbeth’s moral compass is not resilient enough to withstand his wife’s manipulations and he is provoked to act on his malicious thoughts of murder. The author explores the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can haveRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagesreaction†. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tale which illuminates the consequences of violating the â€Å"Natural order†, the hierarchy of beings in the universe. When Macbeth, a warrior wel l-known for his courage and bravery, murders King Duncan acting on his unchecked ambition to claim the throne, the order was disrupted, the result†¦chaos. Shakespeare uses symbolism to illustrate the atmosphere of the play as the natural order is flung into a state of turmoil. These techniques used by Shakespeare is usedRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1483 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent references in the play of how a king deals with power and if they use it for better or for their own personal gain. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s obsession with his journey to power leads to his failure. This obsession is demonstrated through the prophecies, the murder of his best friend Banquo, and his own demise. Macbeth demonstrates that he is incapable of mastering the power and responsibilities of being a king. This is indicated throughout the play with theRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1045 Words   |  5 PagesBlood appears in only two forms, but many times in Macbeth by William Shakespeare; between the war scene at the beginning of the play and the lifting of Macbeth’s severed being lifted by Macduff at the end. It can be said that Macbeth could have been written in blood that there is such a large amount. What is unique about blood in Macbeth is that the â€Å"imaginary blood† or the guilt that the murderer feels plays more of a role of understand and amplifying the theme of the play, that blood is guiltRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1431 Words   |  6 Pages Macbeth, though originally a valiant and prudent soldier, deteriorates into an unwise king whose rash decisions conclusively end in the atrophy of his title, power, and position. Several facto rs contribute to the downfall of Macbeth, which produce a contagion effect and ultimately end with his demise. He receives help from his â€Å"inner ambitions and external urgings† which result in his downfall (Bernad 49). The â€Å"external urgings† consist of the weird sisters who disclose his prophecies, which enlightenRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1320 Words   |  6 PagesThe oxford dictionary definition of guilt, 1, the fact of having committed a specified or implied offence or crime, 1.1, a feeling of having committed wrong or failed in obligation. In Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth, the titular character and his wife Lady Macbeth kill the King in order to become King and Queen themselves, this came with consequences which are still relevant in society today. The guilt they felt and the relevance to sleeplessness are common topics almost four hundred

Operations Performance Objectives Free Essays

1. OPERATIONS PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES In accordance with Slack, Chambers and Johnston, performance objectives is a generic set of performance and indicators that can be used to set the objectives or judge the performance of any type of operation. In this context, there are five key most objectives that can or will be used to help improve the operations of a service industry (Dental health care as stated earlier). We will write a custom essay sample on Operations Performance Objectives or any similar topic only for you Order Now a)Quality Quality can be defined in so many ways. In simpler terms we will describe it as the element in a product that rises above the other and is able to satisfy the needs/specifications of a consumer and has some high value attached to it. Quality in operations performance objectives for a dental health care ensures that most appropriate treatment is delivered and that customers are all treated with courtesy (getting value for their money). This entails doing the right thing at the right time and meeting customer specifications, which leaves them satisfied. b)Speed Speed is defined as the elapsed time between customers’ placing orders and the goods/services being delivered to them. With speed, it means that the delivery of the service required is done within the shortest possible time. For example the time it takes for the dentist to screen the teeth of the patient to the time he gives an answer of what his findings are should be reduced and acceptable to the customer. In turn, this reduces likeliness of lagging behind and not being able to finish attending to all the patients in time. It does impact positively on the improvement of operations when time is highly considered. As the cliche goes, ‘time is money and time wasted is never gained, so use it wisely. ’ )Dependability Dependability is the delivery or making available of goods/services when they were promised to customers. It can also be defined as staying true to one’s word and trustworthiness. In this context it would mean avoiding cancellations of appointments with customers. It really pays highly to an organization for customers to know that they can depend on the services provide d to them at that particular organization. It helps in creating rapport with the customers, hence allowing for them to even encourage other people to come and seek for services from you. d)Flexibility This is the degree to which an operations process can change what it does, how it is done and when it is done. When something’s flexible, it simply means that there is room for change or adjustments. In this case, it means that the service industry (dental health care) should be ready to introduce new treatments and/or have many more treatment to match up to the customers’ ever changing and varying demands. This helps the industry to expand. e)Cost Cost can be defined as the monetary value attached to the services/goods provided and also attached to the production or offering of that good/service. Cost helps to identify how operation scan be run at a more affordable price right for the marketplace the industry operates in and be able to achieve good profit margins. To the producer or service provider, the lower the cost of production the means lower the prices for the customers, which means more savings. In conclusion, â€Å"performance objectives are the key to unlocking any communications or performance initiative. The answer is the foundation and structure of your work on any project: the performance objective. † Document Information Design Inc. 2004. How to cite Operations Performance Objectives, Papers

Forbidden Planet Comparison To Shakespeare free essay sample

# 8217 ; s The Tempest Essay, Research Paper On first glimpse, Forbidden Planet can easy be seen to parallel many other plants associating to engineering, nature, or both. One of the most obvious analogues is, of class, to Shakespeare? s The Tempest, the narrative of a adult male stranded on an island which he has single-handedly brought under his control through the usage of thaumaturgy. Indeed, the characters, secret plan, and lesson of Forbidden Planet mirror about precisely those of The Tempest, with the exclusion that where The Tempest employs charming, Forbidden Planet utilizes engineering. At this point, it is utile to remember one of Arthur C. Clarke? s more celebrated thoughts, which is that any engineering, when sufficiently advanced, is identical from thaumaturgy. Indeed, the engineering presented in Forbidden Planet is non meant to be understood by the audience, but instead is, for all purposes and intents, thaumaturgy. This is doubtless in portion because the engineering doesn? t exist and hence can non be explaine d to us. What is more of import, nevertheless, is that how the engineering works is irrelevant for the intent of the film, which is to entertain and to learn us a lesson about adult male? s control over the elements and over his ain technological creative activities. At this point a brief outline of the film would look to be in order, with particular attending as to how it relates to The Tempest. In The Tempest, a adult male named Prospero and his girl Miranda have been exiled to a distant island which is wholly uninhabited, salvage for an evil monster and her boy Caliban, and which is in a province of cardinal pandemonium. Using the charming powers he has cultivated all his life, Prospero bit by bit brings the forces of nature on the island under his control, and manages to somehow enslave Caliban, whose female parent has died in the meantime. ( Some of these inside informations are fuzzed because I am familiar with The Tempest merely through Marx ) . A group of crewmans is shipwrecked on the island, one of whom falls in love with Miranda, the lovely girl of Prospero. Finally, Caliban and other retainers secret plan to subvert Prospero, but are thwarted and taken back into servitude, thankful to acquire off that easy. Having summarized The Tempest, it is easy to sum up Forbidden Planet. A adult male named Dr. Morbius and his girl Altaira are stranded on a distant planet when a authorities ship lands at that place, whose commanding officer falls in love with the beautiful Altaira. The lone important difference in the two plants, other so puting, is the decision of each. Before we look at the differences at that place, nevertheless, it is necessary to look more closely at the symbolism behind each. In The Tempest, Prospero? s thaumaturgy is a symbol of engineering. It lets him chasten the island, is wholly at his bid, and even is apprehensible by those who take the clip to analyze it. Caliban represents the forces of nature, which Prospero has enslaved utilizing thaumaturgy, a.k.a. engineering. It is deserving observing here that Shakespeare perceives? nature? in the signifier of a wild, hostile environment, non as a? garden of Eden? signifier, a construct he pokes merriment at in one of the gap sce nes. Finally, nature rises up and lashes out at Prospero, but ( from what one can garner from Marx ) , his charming saves him. He so accepts Caliban back into servitude. The perfect harmoniousness is therefore achieved # 8211 ; adult male utilizing engineering to chasten nature, and making it so good that he achieves the best of both universes. Forbidden Planet teaches a different lesson, and Teachs it in two separate narratives. The first is the narrative of the Krell, a superintelligent race that rose to its extremum and so fell 2000 centuries before Dr. Morbius and his girl set pes on the planet. The Krell had achieved what they considered to be the pinnacle of engineering # 8211 ; they had left behind their physical organic structures in exchange for computing machines. Their consciousness resided in computing machines, which? projected? organic structures for them, so to talk. The perfect blending of adult male ( or animal, anyhow ) and Te chnology. They were, in fact, a version of Hardison? s? silicon animal? –they had no physical organic structures, save for a series of 1s and nothings stored someplace in the memory of a supercomputer 40 stat mis long. What the Krell had forgotten to research, nevertheless, was their ain mind. Confronted with the virtually illimitable power they had due to the nature of what they had become, all they did was booty, public violence, and otherwise prosecute in suicidal activity, so that in one twenty-four hours the full race was destroyed. In this instance, engineering in the signifier of the Krell? s supercomputer became a slave to the most basic signifier of nature–the subconscious, where cardinal emotions fury with all the rage of a physical storm. As we see, the consequences when nature controls engineering are black. The 2nd narrative is the narrative of Dr. Morbius. At the beginning, Altaira IV could easy be mistaken for Eden, albeit an waterless and alone one. While the country that the ship is in is a desert like clime, the brooding topographic point of Morbius and Alta seems climactic plenty. Deer frolick in the nearby wood, and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelams which are usually awful slayers are petted like kitty cats. It is the tiger which is the first hint that things are traveling incorrect. An obvious symbol of nature, a tiger attacks Alta one twenty-four hours while Commander Adams is at that place. Adams rapidly uses his chargeman on the tiger, typifying the arrant laterality of engineering over nature on Altaira IV. Shortly afterwards, things start acquiring worse, and culminate in a awful onslaught by? nature? in the signifier of Morbius? s subconscious on Adams? s ship. As the secret plan unfolds, we find out that Dr. Morbius, by tampering with engineering he didn? t to the full un derstand, managed to unwittingly kill tonss of people. It is deserving observing that Morbius realizes on some degree the extent to which things have gotten out of manus when his girl pleads with him to assist the crew of the ship. His answer to her is along the lines of? I can non assist him ( Commander Adams ) every bit long as he stays so wilfully? . In short what Morbius is stating is strongly reminiscient of Frankenstein? s message, that is, ? This engineering that I am purportedly? maestro? of has gotten out of my control, and I am powerless to halt it? . Dr. Morbius is a inexorable reminder once more of what can go on when engineering is allowed to increase unbridled, to the point where human existences can no longer understand it, allow entirely command it. Ironically, Dr. Morbius himself warned against the unbridled growing of engineering by declining to let world entree to the Krell? s fantastic secrets. Alternatively, he insisted that he would distribute what pearls of wi sdom he saw tantrum, the better to maintain world from destructing itself. In the terminal, of class, the full planet was destroyed, along with several neighbouring star systems. There are several lessons to be learned from Forbidden Planet. The first is that before adult male can trust to command nature or engineering, he needs to larn to command himself, as evidenced by the catastrophe which destroyed the Krell. Second, when engineering and nature are in direct struggle, the consequences will non be good, and will likely be destructive. Third, when engineering and nature are excessively far off balance from each other, the consequences will once more be damaging. In short, Forbidden Planet is a sort of Frankenstein which is more developed and has better symbolism, which is to state that it councils the same class of action that Florman does # 8211 ; cautiousness, but non inactivity. If we allow nature to run rampant, we clearly can non last. ( This statement once more takes the premise that? nature? is a storm, non a garden of Eden. ) If we allow engineering to travel unbridled, it will finally overpower us when we least anticipate it. And if we pit the two against each other, it will destruct our full solar system. The proper class of action, so, is merely what both Florman and Morbius propose # 8211 ; proceed easy, and take into history the fact that all that is new is non needfully good.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Health Sciences Radiolabeld DNA

Question: Discuss about the Health Sciences for Radiolabeld DNA. Answer: Introduction Two research groups independently developed In situ hybridization (ISH). The 28S RNA or Radiolabeld DNA was hybridized to cytological preparations from the oocytes of Xenopus and was detected through microautoradiography. The examination of nucleic acid sequences inside the cells has been allowed by this technique and it had not altered the morphology or integrity of the cell and its different components. Since then, the modification of ISH has been done for studying the evolution of chromosomes, chromosomal analysis of leukaemias and tumors together with the cytogenetic studies of a large number of species. Drs. Nielsen, Egoholm, Buchardt and Berg carried out the discovery of Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) for the first time in the year 1991. PNA consists of a polyamide backbone i.e. the nucleobases that are modified and have extraordinary physical, biological and chemical properties like higher binding affinity, exceptional biological stability, blocking enzyme function, better specifi city, a probe for hybridization, cellular uptake, molecular diagnostics, labelling of plasmids with diverse kinds of fluorescent molecules and several other applications in the field of biomedical sciences. The potential applications of PNA include supramolecular nanostructure, antisense technology, nanoelectrical system, antisense technology and DNA computing. It also has nanomedical applications together with drug delivery and diagnostics for treating the microbial infections as well as diseases. In addition, the knowledge and understanding regarding the biological processes like protein synthesis and gene expression not only helps in the development of the procedures related to medical diagnostics, but are also useful in the medical treatment through the introduction of gene and antisense therapy (1). PNA has properties such as high sensitivity, high binding affinity and high specificities that have been explored in the PNA array that leads to the formation of a duplex of PNA/DNA because of the electrically neutral property of the oligomers of PNA. These strong duplexes of PNA/DNA bring about higher melting temperature (2). PNA probes possess high biological stability and are resistant to degradation by enzymes due to the presence of a backbone of N(2aminoethyl)glycine, which is not recognized by the proteases and nucleases. Since the enzymes cannot degrade the probes of PNA, the shelf life of of these probes is significantly long over years even at room temperature (3). Peptide Nucleic Acids have different applications based on its distinctive biophysical properties and have drawn the attention of molecular biologists, biochemists, chemists, material engineers, biotechnologists and material engineers for the development of genetic diagnostics, gene therapeutic drugs, identification of viral or bacterial contaminants in biological samples, as probes for FISH, microarray technology and DNA biosensors (4). The exceptional physicochemical properties of of PNA molecules, facilitates the development of assays that are uncomplicated and robust in several areas of biology together with molecular genetics, virology, microbiology, cytogenetics, and parasitology because of the chemical modifications that are new to the original backbone of PNA. This kind of modification may add to enhance PNAs potentialities for new applications in diagnostics and research like analysis of chromosome, analysis of point mutation, mycology, bacteriology, human pathology, and potential use in the form of therapeutic agents (5). The probes of PNA also provide an exceptional opportunity for specifically identifying microorganisms in the specimens of pathology, together with paraffin embedded and formalin fixed material. This particular technology associates pathology and clinical microbiology, provides a new format for testing, and opens the door to additional applications of test in clinical laboratory. The probe of PNA combines the simplicity with specificity and sensitivity of molecular technologies. This type of combination is compatible for replacing the current technologies, which provide fast and specific diagnosis and tests of microbiology that result in time of an appropriate therapy of a patient (6). The potential applications of PNA comprise supramolecular nanostructure, antisense technology, nanoelectrical system, antisense technology and DNA computing. It also has nanomedical applications together with delivery of drugs and diagnostics for treating the microbial infections as well as diseases. Additionally, the knowledge and understanding concerning the biological processes such as protein synthesis and gene expression not only assists in the development of the methods associated with medical diagnostics, but are also helpful in the medical treatment by the introduction of gene and antisense therapy. PNA has properties such as high sensitivity, high binding affinity and high specificities that have been explored in the PNA array that leads to the formation of a duplex of PNA/DNA because of the electrically neutral property of the oligomers of PNA. These strong duplexes of PNA/DNA bring about higher melting temperature. PNA probes possess high biological stability and are resis tant to degradation by enzymes due to the presence of a backbone of N(2aminoethyl)glycine, which is not recognized by the proteases and nucleases. Since the enzymes cannot degrade the probes of PNA, the shelf life of of these probes is considerably long over years. Robustness of PNA and its affecting factors The PNA probes are provided with the unique characteristics of hybridization like stronger and rapid binding to the complementary targets by the synthetic backbone. These properties of the molecules of PNA are elucidated by the lack of electrostatic repulsion characteristically encountered when the hybridization of negatively charged complementary oligomers of DNA occurs. Due to the presence of a non-charged backbone, the probes of DNA hybridize independent of the salt concentration. In addition, the physico-chemical behaviour of the probes of PNA comparative to DNA gets impacted due to the negative charges. They have facilitated the development of exceptional hybridization of PNA and PNA/target separation methods. All these methods encompass pre-gel hybridization as well as binding of hybrids of probe/target to the surfaces and polymers that are positively charged (7). The unnatural backbone of PNA also signifies that the degradation of PNA do not occur by the ubiquitous enzymes like proteases and nucleases. The elevated biostability is not only essential for their utilization as therapeutic antisense agents, but is also probable to enhance the stability of probes of PNA in the diagnostic applications and offer enhanced shelf-life of the product together with a better range of assay formats. Due the backbone, the recognition of PNA do not take place by polymerases and hence cannot be used directed or copied as a primer and the monomers of PNA cannot be incorporated enzymatically into amplicons. Characteristics make the self-reporting probe of PNA more robust molecules for detection involving the real-time PCR methods as compared to their counterparts that are derived from DNA, for example the hybridization probes for the light cycler that are degraded throughout PCR by means of Taq DNAs endonuclease activity (8). In reality, the variables like kind of fixative utilized (alcohol-based or aldehyde fixation) temperature, hybridization time, probe concentration, pH, formamide and dextran sulphate, among others, are identified to affect the efficiency of hybridization (9). The time and temperature of hybridization are important variables for the outcome of the process of hybridization and for lowering the temperature at which hybridization will be performed; formamide is most commonly used (10). The temperature of hybridization is associated with the affinity of the probe to the target and its estimation can be done by Gibbs free energy change, which is related to the reaction of hybridization. The time of hybridization has been linked with the process kinetics that encompasses probe penetration through the envelope of the cell, the probe binding with the complementary sequence together with the unfolding of secondary as well as tertiary structures of rRNA and probes eventual folded portions (11). For reducing the thermal stability of the double-stranded polynucleotides, Formamide (FA), which is a denaturing agent, is used. It enhances the accessibility of the target of rRNA and competes for hydrogen bonding that facilitates the hybridization to be performed at the lower temperatures. Hence, it has been presumed that the concentration of of FA required, together with the time and temperature of hybridization. It regulates the stringency of the process and is dependent only on the sequence of the target and the structure of the probe. Additionally, the physico-chemical behaviour of the probes of PNA comparative to DNA gets impacted due to the negative charges (12). For lowering the annealing temperature and boiling point of the strands of the nucleic acids in In situ hybridization (ISH), formamide is an ideal solvent. It has an advantage for preserving the morphology because of a lower temperature for incubation. Nonetheless, in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), aligned with the unique targets of DNA in tissue sections, for obtaining the adequate signal testing, an overnight hybridization is needed. Over the past 30 years, for in situ hybridization, the solvent for choice is formamide. It lowers the melting point through the destabilization of the double-stranded structure of the nucleic acid helix. Its toxicity is distinguished but has been overshadowed by its advantageous effects. When the hybridizing DNA probes to low copy number or single locus targets on the sections of Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, an incubation of 16 hours or more is needed and is the major time consuming step in the procedure of in situ hybridizatio n. If the hybridization of the entire genome is done, for instance, with comparative genomic hybridization, a hybridization time 49 to 94 hours is often utilized. A major disadvantage of Fish utilizing the probes of oliginucleotides is the inconsistent and at times inadequate penetration of probes in the bacteria depending on the characteristics of their cell wall. In acid-fast bacilli and Gram-positive species, this is observed mainly as a problem. PNAs may be helpful to overcoming this problem. Because of the presence of their neutral backbone, the diffusion of PNAs occurs through the hydrophobic cell walls and allows the detection of mycobacterium through FISH and do not involve any pre-treatment. Utilising the specific fluorescently labelled PNAs, the differentiation between non-tuberculous and tuberculous mycobacteria was possible in the smears of mycobacterial cultures and directly in the samples of smear-positive sputum within few hours. However, in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), aligned with the distinctive targets of DNA in tissue sections, for obtaining the sufficient signal testing, an overnight hybridization is required . This method constitutes an enhancement in the regular diagnosis of tuberculosis and may assist in establishing FISH as a fast, cost-effective and valuable method in the field of clinical microbiology. An organism concentration of no less than 105CFU/ml is required by PNA-FISH for the rocess of detection. This is a limitation of PNA-FISH and this particular requirement may prove to be difficult for detecting the fastidious or slow-growing organisms. Generally, the probes of DNA shorter in comparison to the conventional nucleotides are needed for the specific binding. Therefore, they appear to be an interesting substitute to the conventional oligonucleotide probes. In comparison to aegPNA and DNA, it presented a better sequence specificity and a strong binding affinity towards DNA. Method available for detecting MRNA in the tissue section An essential tool for studying the spatial organization of the genome with a high accuracy is Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The labelled probes that target the entire chromosome or regions of chromosomes allow the direct visualization in the interphase as well as the metaphase (6). The generation of such painted probes can be done from the DNA isolated by the microdissection of the metaphase chromosome, followed by the amplification and labelling with the nucleotides that are modified by degenerate oligonucleotide primer- PCR(DOP-PCR). This method comprises the step of universal amplification that is mainly effective at amplifying the single copies of chromosome to produce paints or perform additional cytogenetic applications in which there is an availability of small quantity of DNA, for instance small pieces of microdissected tissue or single cells (7). On the other hand, Chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH), is an appropriate substitute to FISH. It leads to the pro duction of a permanent chromosome by utilising peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase- labelled reporter antibodies, which interacts with the probes of the hybridized DNA that are subsequently detected by means of an enzymatic reaction (8). CISH is advantageous over FISH as it can be viewed through a bright-field microscope. For the rapid diagnosis of bacterial pathogens in the microbiology laboratory, Real-time (RT) PCR testing can be reliable as it is an emerging competing technology. It is probable to challenge directly PNA FISH (13). Unlike PNA FISH that assists in the detection of RNA in the living organisms and it can also detect the infections that are ongoing in nature, RT-PCR cannot distinguish between the past and current infection, and therefore it is very sensitive for the diagnosis, but may possibly lack clinical specificity (14). Its development was carried out for rapidly enhancing the process of DNA amplification and improvement of specificity and sensitivity over the traditional methods. The testing can be done on all the types of specimen, along with paraffin specimens, and combines DNA technology with the fluorescent probes of the product, which is amplified in the similar reaction vessel. Since the reaction takes place within a closed vessel, the risk of contamination of the environme nt is reduced and needs less time and produce rapid results within an hour in comparison to the traditional methods of PCR testing (15). A better healthcare can be achieved by rapid and accurate diagnosis and PNA probe is more efficient than the traditional methods in this context. In the present scenario, the rate at which the human pathogens are getting resistant is alarming and it is leading towards an urgent need for improving the diagnostic technologies that are intended for the rapid detection along with point-of-care testing for supporting the quick decision making concerning the management of patient and antibiotic therapy. These data reveal the advantage of rapid that can reduce the treatment of the cultures that are contaminated, reduce expenses and stay in the hospital and it may decrease antimicrobial resistance. A disparity among the empirical therapeutic and ensuing susceptibility result from a specific organism is one of the important factor that leads to the delaying of an effectual therapy (16). It has been revealed that early and rapid administration of antimicrobial therapy to the patients suffering from the infection of the bloodstream results in the reduction of mortality. In addition, the need for a rapid diagnosis has usually been overlooked due the practices of empiric and prophylactic treatment, which utilizes broad-spectrum antibiotics. At present, though, it is well established that more suitable utilization of antibiotics is needed for limiting the emergence of the pathogens that are resistant to multiple drugs. Altering the empiric nature of antibiotics, therapy in which the patients are covered with antibiotics of a broad spectrum needs new, fast and perfect tools of diagnosis for providing the physician with timely and reliable information for the therapy and management of patients (17). Clinical microbiology laboratory service is intended for detecting and identifying the specific microorganisms in the clinical specimens for diagnosing the infectious diseases. Nonetheless, the significance of precision and the ease of the slow, inexpensive methods frequently delay the reporting time for a number of days or weeks (18). The exceptional performance distinctiveness of PNA FISH are attributed to the high specificity of the probes of PNA integrated with the utilization of rRNA as a target and they evidently demonstrate how molecular diagnosis can offer accurate results within a particular frame of time and is not likely to use the traditional phenotype-based methods of identification. In addition, PNA FISH is better than the traditional methods for mixed cultures like Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia contaminated with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species (CNS) and for almost the species that are indistinguishable, for example C.dubliniensis and C. Albicans, in which the traditional methods failed to, provide an accurate diagnosis (6). Today, diagnostic testing is developing to become a significant constituent of the modern medicine, which is based on information and focuses on to provide rapid as well as accurate results potentially resulting in the better treatment of patients, controlling infection, and management of healthcare. PNA FISH is an illustration of diagnosis tests in this new generation and is intended to provide a real-time impact on the therapy of the patients (18). Through the introduction of PNA FISH for the rapid diagnosis of the infections in the bloodstream, novel tools has been provided to the clinical microbiology laboratory for reporting the diagnostic results in time to select the correct therapy. This evidently exemplifies how the first therapy-directing diagnosis will target the diagnostic needs that are not met and are related to the current practices of treatment with the antibiotics that are commonly used (6) In the end, it can be concluded that precise diagnostic tests have a key role in the management of patient and the control of most irresistible illnesses. Unfortunately, in numerous developing countries, clinical care is frequently compromised by the absence of regulatory controls on the quality of these tests. The data accessible on the execution of a diagnostic test can be one-sided or defective as a result of failings in the configuration of the studies which evaluated the performance attributes of the test. Subsequently, diagnostic tests are sold and utilized in much of the developing world without confirmation of adequacy. Misdiagnosis leading to failure in treating a severe disease or squandering costly treatment on individuals who are not infected remains a serious problem of health and wellbeing. The improvement of a diagnostic test more often than not takes after a way from recognizable proof of the diagnostic target and advancement of test reagents to the improvement of a t est model. The exceptional physicochemical properties of of PNA molecules, facilitates the development of assays that are uncomplicated and robust in several areas of biology together with molecular genetics, virology, microbiology, cytogenetics, and parasitology because of the chemical modifications that are new to the original backbone of PNA. Currently, the rate at which the pathogens of humans are getting resistant is frightening and it is leading towards an urgent need for enhancing the diagnostic technologies that aimed to the rapid detection along with point-of-care testing for supporting the quick decision making concerning the patient management and antibiotic therapy. It shows the decrease in the treatment of the cultures that are contaminated, lessen expenses and stay in the hospital and it may reduce antimicrobial resistance. A difference among the empirical therapeutic and subsequent susceptibility result from a specific organism is one of the significant factor that le ads to the delaying of an efficient therapy.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Walt Whitman the Poet, the Prophet, and the Patriot Essay Example For Students

Walt Whitman: the Poet, the Prophet, and the Patriot Essay Before his poetry, Whitman lived in a mall home on Long Island here he grew up with his eight siblings, four of whom were disturbed or psychotic. The father was unheard of and the mother, unable to fend for the entire family, so at a young age Walt became the true father of his family (Bloom 159). Walt Whitman threaded his poetry with his political beliefs, poetic uncertainty, and his strong patriotism that all contribute to the deep, wondrous and mostly undefined meanings of his poems. In a time of chaos and distraught, Whitman used his poetry to reflect his strong and Influential opinions of societal movement. Whitman first anthology titled Leaves of Grass was Influenced by the democratic presidency of Lincoln in the sasss. Progress was the topic of the casual cafe setting of this time and Whitman, a commoner, took these ideas and weaved them into his poetry with an optimistic flare. We will write a custom essay on Walt Whitman: the Poet, the Prophet, and the Patriot specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now He used his democratic views and hopes for improvements as a base for much of his poetry: The ideas of progress became the principal of the universe-?as we look up from our provisional Piggish we behold the orbit forms of a benevolent, self purifying cosmos-?as we lower our gaze the vistas UT over the continent darken somewhat and are populated with villages, rivers, and fields of wheat, factories, mechanics, farmers, patient mothers, small property holders, town meetings-?a nobility if evanescent envisioned myth of social life. Chase The Theory of America 55) Whitman used his work to emphasize the idea that all citizens of America can improve, and that this essence of life applies to everyone not only the poor, but the wealthy and the officials as well. Many did not agree with this, as It Is Just a view, but the Improvements of the sasss directly convert to our society. A good poet teaches his readers something, but a great poet touches the lives of its readers and allows the chang e to permeate through society. The astonishment of this era by some of the most influential speakers in history is seen through Whitman words describing his own poetry. A great poem is for ages and ages in common for all degrees and complexions and all departments and sects and for a woman as much as a man and a man as much as a woman (Whitman Leaves of Grass 6). These words are from the preface to his most renowned anthology, Leaves of Grass, and prepare the reader for his references. Whitman uses equality for the basis of many poems because it is such a broad topic that can be explained in so many ways. His poem Proud Music of the Storm reveals how he views the mistreated: Proud music of the storm! Blast that careers so free, whistling across the parries! Strong hum of forest tree-tops! Wind of the mountains! You serenades of phantoms, with instruments alert, Blending, with Natures rhythms, all the tongues of nations; You chords left as by vast composers! You choruses! You formless, free, religious dances! Your from the Orient! You undone of rivers, roar of pouring cataracts; You sounds from distant guns, with galloping cavalry! Echoes of camps, with all the different bugle-calls! Trooping tumultuous, filling the midnight late, blending me powerless, Entering my lonesome slumber-chamber Why have seized me? (Leaves of Grass 1871-72 323) In the poem, Whitman references the oppression of colored people during his time. He uses an extended metaphor to represent the music as the oppressed people, and the storm as the Civil War. As Whitman describes the music and all its interpretations, he shows how the colored people are different but still beneficial and helpful as much s the white people in society. The poem progresses from a gleeful and embracing mood, to a gloomy and depressive mood, which shows how campaigning for rights can turn violent and out of control very quickly, but can also turn out as a renaissance for man if control. The Civil War was a time of great surprise to many as the outcome was not expected. .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 , .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .postImageUrl , .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 , .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:hover , .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:visited , .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:active { border:0!important; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:active , .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73 .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0f2ede98b7933abbddcdde0446f11a73:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bignell Jonathan EssayMuch like ones life, Whitman poetry mirrors the twists, turns, and unpredictability of life in his poetry while keeping the reader engaged with relatable speakers. Only through the failures did Whitman find his most genius talent. To many, Whitman works do not seem like an accident at all because they are crafted with intelligence and published in perfection, but some see Whitman as so much more than a poet, and that poetry is a mere ability of his, To read Whitman was to know a man who made himself out to be now visionary, now sage, now prophet, often all three at once and only incidentally a poet (Pearce 1 . This author was not alive during Whitman lifetime but he feels he can relate so well to the morals he gets across in his poetry. Whitman did not only write for the public to experience his Houghton, but he also wrote for himself, as he expressed himself in and about his poetry. He used his poetry as a mask for his identity, making it seem more relatable to commoners. He sacrificed himself to his own image which he meant to be an all inclusive image of man. He postured and posed, acted (sometimes behind the scenes) as his own public-relations man, sounded now a barbaric yap, now a lyric cry, now an epic salutation, now a prayerful meditation, as his sense of the occasion demanded (Pearce 1). His poetry provided an outlet for him. He pretended to be all of society in his poems. He could pretend to be anyone behind his literature. In most of his poems, he takes on the role of outcast or a minor. In the poem, A March in the Ranks Hard- Preset, and the Road Unknown he gives the reader a sense of pity for the speaker, A March in the ranks hard-preset, and the road unknown;/A route through a heavy woof, with muffled steps in the darkness;/Our army foiled with loss severe, and the sullen remnant retreating; (Drum-Taps 1865 277). Whitman uses the metaphor of a military to convey an idea of depression. The working class, whom are mistreated, struggle to find their way through life. Although Whitman was financially well off, he adopts the uses dialect of the time and social class. Whitman unbelievable ability to hide himself behind his work creates way for his literature to infect the hearts of an entire population. He wore many masks in his poems but always revealed his true patriotism. In Whitman time social reforms were everyones focus. Whether it was the whites in the north opposing or the blacks in the south promoting the reforms, the entire nation was battling. A strong force that kept people sane was literature. The Americans of all nations at any time upon the earth have probably the least poetical nature. The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem. In the history of the earth hitherto the largest and most stirring appear tame and orderly to ampler largeness and stir (Whitman Preface to Leaves of Grass 3). Of all nations the United States with veins full of poetical stuff most need poets and will doubtless have the greatest and use them the greatest (Whitman Preface to Leaves of Grass 5). Whitman describes the dedication of the American poets almost as serving their country. It is literature that keeps countries moving through hard times. One of Whitman most iconic poems was written for the funeral for a man who made revolutionary changes in America. For Lincoln death, Whitman wrote a solemn but patriotic poem titled When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Blooms. Poetry reflecting death is usually dark and ominous, but he gives the poem an optimistic and beautiful essence: When lilacs last in the Dooryard blooms And the great star early drops in the western sky in the night, I mourned, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring. Ever-returning spring, trinity sure to me you bring, Lilacs blooming perennial and drooping star in the west, And the thought of him I love. (Whitman Leaves of Grass 525). Whitman expresses his love for Lincoln and all that he did. .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 , .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .postImageUrl , .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 , .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:hover , .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:visited , .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:active { border:0!important; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:active , .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52 .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7c4da43f3c7886206d80f93fd908ce52:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Compare two poems from different cultures and traditions EssayThe president made some of the most influential changes to America. The lilacs are symbolic to his achievements and like a perennial, they will always come back. The time of day is significant because the night shows the changing of dark and that a new day is coming full of light and different experiences. Whitman dedication to his country drove him to write poetry about one of the countys most momentous leaders. While traveling Whitman complex, undefined, and breath-taking literature, one minds that his poetry compliments his political beliefs, ever changing character, and his dedication to America. As a strong democrat, Whitman believed in the institution of freedom to all citizens in America. He also used his poetry in all different voices to communicate the feelings of people who normally do not have a say. Lastly, Whitman love for his country influenced his work and left him distraught with the death of President Lincoln. People live and die but like Lincoln, Whitman left a legacy for every age, color, class and gender to hold with them as they travel throughout their life.